Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Another adventure in Australia

April 25, 2014

In three just over three months will be returning to Australia, this time will be going for just over 6 months.  Will be traveling with my brother who has never been to Australia,  we will be camping and have rented a camper van.  Although I have been to Australia before it will be different  this time as we  will be camping for the most of the time and will try to circumnavigate  Australia. This may be a challenge  as I tend not to have a time line and end up days late getting to where I have intended to go. Will just have to wait and see what happens when we get there.

Getting Ready

Took a trip down to Calgary to see my grandchildren, will be the last visit until I return from Australia.
Sister Deirdre went along with me as we had taken down some furniture that I no longer needed, down sizing.
Was a very nice trip, weather very good, scenery great.  Have just about got all my things packed and put in storage so will be without a home by the 15th of the month, but will be staying with my sister-in -law for a couple of weeks before I leave.

Posting photos of the trip.

Big horn Sheep, Elk, Columbia Ground Squirrels, Grizzle Bear and scenic mountain views from Banff to Jasper.