Friday, September 26, 2014

September 26. 2014

Have not had internet for several days, hence no posts.
Now in Kakadu National Park, road in is not very scenic, either burnt to control fires or just dry from lack of rain. Again stopped at Yellow Waters but the prices are too high for the water tour and the water levels are way down so the number of birds has decreased thus you do not see much so not going on any tours.
Yesterday however was a great day, went to Edith Falls, lovely place , cool water to swim in and the camping was very good.  Attended the ranger talk in the evening, was very informative.
Tomorrow going to explore some of the aboriginal wall paintings and the on to Jabiru to camp at he lake there. 
the next day will be going onto Darwin to spend a couple days there before heading for Western Australia.
Also went to Katherine Gorge, again because for lack of rain since April the seen gorge tour was only 1.5 gorges and there was not reduction in the cost so just went for a hike up to see and then down agin but the heat was also a reason that we did not take a longer walk.


Large termit mound

A couple of vey nice aboriginal ladies 

Banyon tree

Mataranka hot springs

Katherine Gorge

Edith Falls

Edith Falls


Edith Falls
Edith Falls
A vey beautiful parrot that kept hiding when I was trying to ge a photo
Katherine Gorge

Katherine Gorge

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