Monday, November 3, 2014

Pemberton and area and tram ride Nov. 1,2014

Pemberton a very nice little village, had dinner last evening at the pub abd its morning we are going on a tram ride.
Then drove down to Shannon campground wher we stayed for the night. Had a large camp fire and talked with other campers.
Nov.2, 2014
Down to Walpole a village of 300+ people, explored around sound and village , on to Green pool in the national park but only did the pool area as it was very windy abd blowing sand every where.
Did the tree top walk, a suspension type bridge that goes up to 40M in to the tree top canopy, very informative. Was told about a road on the way to Denmark that had a farm cheese factory, drove there to sample so cheese and bought several.
Got to Denmark in late afternoon staying a caravan park, very nice, meet a lot a people while making dinner in the camp kitchen.  
Before dinner walked into town and had a look around, three Km return, have to get our exercise .

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