Sunday, December 28, 2014

Bourke to Lightning Ridge

On leaving Bourke took some photos of the old bridge, nothing else of significant, the tourist centre is closed. It is very dry and the sheep in the paddocks along the way do not appear to have much to eat.
Stopped on Brewarrina for coffee and was talking to a local firefighter who I gave pins to. He suggested some areas to visit and also a place to stay at when we get to Lightning Ridge.
Went down to see the aboriginal fish traps and meet a aboriginal person who told us of the history of the fish traps and the tribes that used them, a very interesting man.
Then to Walgett a very dirty small village but did get a very burger.  Eventually on to Lightning Ridge ant the Opal caravan park, very clean, and near to the artisan Bore hot pool, lovely for soaking your feet.
Tomorrow off to tour the town.

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