Tuesday, December 23, 2014

December 21, 22,23, 24, 2014

Deli liquid
Walked about the village this morning, very nice park - River walk, lovely old building, hot today 37c.
Off to Hay got a place I the caravan park which was full by 6 PM. After dinner went for a walk about town, it has cooled off nicely.

December 22, 2014
7 AM is 32C  did a walk about town and got all the parcels posted. Then off to Darlington Point where we will stay.

December 23, 2014
Up early have to be at the Wildlife park at 9AM .  Wonderful morning being drove around he park in a horse driven cart. This park is very good and would recommend it to all who are coming this way.
Afternoon drove the 37 K to Griffith. 

December 24, 2014
Going for a walk about this morning but do not know if we will stay here tonight.

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