Thursday, January 29, 2015

Birds at Queen Mary Falls

Daggs falls on the way to Queen Mary falls

January 28, 2015

Stayed at Stanthorpe last evening, this morning did a tourist road tour around the cite, 35Km around Amiens Road where all the apples are grown in this area. Also vegetables and strawberries and herbs.
Then back to the city to post parcels home and to do a walk about to see the CBD of the town and take photos of the older buildings.
Then to the information centre to get information about Queen Mary Falls.
On through Killarney to the falls where we will stay for the night. 
Still raining this is the fifth day of very gray weather with rain showers and strong winds, hope that it will clear by morning so we can do the teck to the falls. On the way here we passed through beautiful farm land but no photos due to the rain.

Photos of Stanthorpe

Castle Glen Winery, and tourist road tour around Stanthrope.

The big Apple, large apple growing area around Stanthorpe

Castle Glen Winery

Photos of Girraween National Park and Stanthrope

Brass Monkey

January27, 2015

Left Tenterfield heading to Stanthorpe. Stopped on the way at Girraween National Park and hiked into the Pyramid and the Granite Arch. Then on to Stanthorpe arriving in early afternoon and had a walk around the town and then found a caravan park. Not as nice as Tenterfield but the facilities are very clean. Today we crossed from New South Wales to Queensland at Wallangarra but tomorrow we will again return to NSW because we want to go to another national park.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Photos Tenterfield

Cork tree

January 26, 2015 Australia Day in Tenterfield.

Australia Day in Tenterfield, went to the ceremony in the RSL. Speeches, awards, entertainment, breakfast, and pipe bands, a great morning.
Afternoon and lunch and exploring the town and photos of old buildings. 
We will be staying here again. Having a rainstorm, thunder and lightning but little rain so far. 

Flag raising ceremony

This little girl was just a joy to watch

Photos Evans Head and along the way.

Seen these flowers along the road have no idea what  they are

King Parrot

Large beetle on a tree

Roxanne and Family

Surfer at Evans Head

Lizard just warming up

Evans Head

Lunatic Hotel at Drake