Thursday, January 15, 2015

January 15, 2015 Glen Innis to Grafton

Explored Glen Innis this morning, took a walk around and spent several hours just talking to people on the street especially an elderly farmer who was very interesting and loved to talk if he found someone that would listen.  We then went to see the Australian Stones, placed here by different people to represent the hours of the day, North,south, east and west. Very interesting.
About twenty kilometres out of town came across a cattle muster and the cowboy riding with the cattle was talking on a cell phone. The old and the new working together. stopped at Boundry fall, took a short walk down to the falls and then had lunch in the bush.  Wonderful view from Raspberry outlook, then down the windy road from the New Englnad tablelands through the 
Gilbraltar Range National Park to Grafton.

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